Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Apple Season

It's that time of year again. My daughter brought home apples the other day and they have already disappeared. Macs have a crispy crunch and a tart taste in the fall. By spring, I'll have left them behind for Granny Smith's which tend to stay tart for a longer time.

Sadly, we couldn't move our apple trees with us from Georgia. When we have a more permanent residence, perhaps we can plant some more.


  1. Wow! Look at all those apples! Looks so beautiful. I am from Jamaica but I have eaten American apples and they are really nice. All the best to you and your family.

  2. Apples make me think of my mother. She made apple butter every year. Mmmm.

  3. Those old fashioned Macs are still my favorites. I have a basket full in the kitchen!

  4. Lovely apple tree. And "apple butter" sound interesting.

  5. Here's wishing you'll be able to do that soon. Nice to be able to plant your own tree, grow it, and later pick fruits from it. =)

  6. We went apply picking last weekend at the local orchard, and I already had to buy more at the grocery store... tearing through the apples. Good stuff.
