We've had some really windy days in the last week. While it has its downside,including some damage to recently planted flowers, I enjoy the constant music of our wind chimes.
My father strung them himself, so sentiment certainly influences me, but I enjoy the ever changing tones and rhythms created by Mother Nature. I'm always a bit surprised by folks who find them annoying. I guess it's a matter of personal taste. My granddaughter is using the personal taste argument as she urges us to let her switch from acoustic to electric guitar. To her credit, she has over a year of practicing without reminder and a teacher,who considers her a prize pupil. She points out that her acoustic was designed for convertability and she'd only need a few accessories to make the switch. Some of the items are a foreign language to me, but I did ascertain that a guitar pedal order is in the not too distant future.
In the meantime, I'm hoping that the switch doesn't overpower us with metallic noise and praying for very strong winds!
I like wind chimes too. I have them made form wood, various metals, and sea shells.