Saturday, August 8, 2015


What can beat the great outdoors and the awesome sense of accomplishment that comes from hiking up a mountain trail?

Thumbs up for the walking stick, but I'd want a little more equipment for a mountain excursion.  In my hiking days, I would squeeze food, water, bedding and a tarp for shelter into the smallest backpack I could find, when I planned to be on the trail overnight.  I tried several adult backpacks, but found that their size cumbersome.  Eventually, I found one intended for preteens that did the trick.

I thought of it the other day, when I saw small children waiting for the schoolbus.  Nowadays, lots of kids use them to carry books and supplies. I worry, when I see a youngster with a backpack so large that it threatens to topple them.  A shame, because there are plenty of child-sized available and I've even seen some cute  personalized toddler backpacks available online.   They would be perfect for school or a family nature outing to enjoy the last of our summer days.  

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