Saturday, July 2, 2016

Chill Out

Right now, this looks like the perfect spot for a vacation!

Sadly, I have no vacation plans in the near future.  While my granddaughter enjoys a break from homeschooling, I am working feverishly to get ready for the next school year.  It seems that every homeschool becomes more expensive with each passing year.  A foreign language is the latest edition to her studies and since I know nothing about speaking Chinese, I've had to purchase a language program.  The good ones are definitely not inexpensive.  Then, there is the cost of music and dance lessons.    I was thankful that she already had her guitar, but now there is talk of learning a 7-string guitar.  And don't get me going on the price of textbooks. . .

  • Looking for a 7-string pickup?  
  • Check out the Evolution 7.


  1. what a view!will put that spot in my holiday plans

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